To develop your career, you must step out of your comfort zone


To develop your career, you must step out of your comfort zone

Monika Borisova is an Associate Software Engineer at Software AG. It is the job she always wanted. A job she landed at one of her favorite companies without any previous work experience in the IT industry and while still studying Information systems at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.

How was this possible? Well, the secret is actually not much of a mystery - Telerik Academy Alpha Java - the program that helps you jumpstart your IT career with one of the most popular programming languages in the world today.

Photo of Monika Borisova, Telerik Academy Alpha Java Graduate

To tell us more about her experience during the program and how the education helped her land her first IT job a couple of weeks after graduation, we talked to Monika. 

This is her story.

Hi, Monika, let’s start from the beginning - how it all started? Did you have any concerns?

Well, I started my journey at Telerik Academy during the third year of my bachelor’s degree. I had never worked, and I was worried that I won’t be able to start my career because I lack the necessary knowledge.

It was a hard decision to enroll in the Telerik Academy Alpha Java because I knew I could fall behind at University. But I do not regret for a moment that I did it, because now I am a software engineer with a year and a half experience in the field!

How did Telerik Academy help you jumpstart your IT career?

I graduated with a portfolio of three projects to show to companies when applying for a position. Furthermore, I had recommendations from my trainers and valuable experience and knowledge for my CV. All of this is a lot more than you can compile if you start your career on your own.

Also, with the help of the soft skills trainings, I knew how to remain calm, positive, and focused during interviews so I could be the best version of myself.

And what did you find most valuable in the Telerik Academy Alpha Java program?

I’ll start with the technical knowledge that I use every day! Everything that I learned from start to finish, from the first to the last module of the program. But that’s not all. In my work, I apply some of the soft skills that I gained during the program - working in a team, for example. It is helpful because at the office we communicate with different people and, on some occasions, we work with colleagues from other teams.

How did your life change after graduating from Telerik Academy?

Oh, everything changed! The truth is that it was challenging to handle University and all the job interviews at the same time. I received several interview invitations, and one of them was from Software AG. The company was one of my favorites, and after I landed the job there, everything began to fall into place.

This is great! Can you tell us more about your current job? What are your key responsibilities?

Currently, I am an Associate Software Engineer in the infrastructure team, and I am working on three different projects. My responsibilities do not differ from those of my teammates. It is one of the things that excite me the most - I am not assigned with the most straightforward tasks because I am the newest person on the team. This allows me to develop and grow.

Why did you choose to join Software AG?  

It’s a big multinational company with many people, but that doesn’t stop them from being so friendly! If you need support and professional advice, there is always someone to help you, no matter the team you are part of.

The colleagues sincerely care about you not only as an employee but as a friend. At Software AG, you work with experienced colleagues and people who share the same interests as you. It’s so easy to make new friends. It is nice to work in such a positive atmosphere!

What advice would you give to our new Telerik Academy students?

Step out from your comfort zone! It could be scary, but it’s also beneficial - you cannot learn and develop your career by not challenging yourself. So, do it whenever you have the chance!

Are you ready to take on your journey to a successful IT career? Then don’t hesitate and apply to Telerik Academy Alpha Java!

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