„Telerik Academy helped me find my creative compass in digital marketing"


„Telerik Academy helped me find my creative compass in digital marketing"



Yoanna Antova is a copywriter at one of the big digital and PR agencies in Bulgaria. She knew all the best practices to do her job right, but it wasn’t enough for her. She wanted to build her own approach and to become a full-stack digital marketing professional, as well as to understand how to put her creativity to good use. Learn how Telerik Academy’s Digital Marketing course helped her do it.

“Creativity rarely leads to good results on its own. Very often, I consider something appealing to me, but it is actually not to others”.

This is one of the biggest challenges in the marketing industry. “That’s why it is key to know your buyer persona and pay attention to data on a daily basis. On the other hand, using data without any creativity will probably bring acceptable results, but nothing the audience will remember. Creativity and data must go together”, explains Yoanna.

Yoanna has marketing and copywriting experience and is responsible for the content and social media calendar of seven different brands - from travel to pharmaceuticals and graduated from our Digital Marketing program. “I develop social media calendars, I write ad copies and prepare ad campaigns, I craft various blog posts and newsletters, which requires a lot of keywords, SEO and trends research”, explained Yoanna.

Why the Upskill Digital Marketing program?

Yoanna has substantial experience gained in the fast-paced world of digital agencies. This is a peculiar place, a world, stuck between creativity, clients’ demands, and tight deadlines. “A job in the marketing industry never gets boring because things change non-stop. Suddenly Google drops an algorithm change, or a new channel emerges, you never know! It is so exciting!”, Yoanna explains with passion - this is what has drawn her to the marketing industry in the first place.

Тhis exact excitement is the reason for her joining the Telerik Academy Digital Marketing program - “this was the perfect place for me to improve my skills and learn from highly experienced professionals ”.

“It would take years” to grasp the whole marketing industry by yourself. The program makes it easy for you to “pick a side” because it introduces pretty much all of the forms of digital marketing”.

Measurable results

During the Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing program, Yoanna learns from seasoned digital marketing experts in a curriculum, packed with real-world projects and ready-to-use frameworks. The program covers a broad range of knowledge - product marketing, content creation, lead generation, digital advertising, and data analytics, to name a few.

“It gives you a huge boost being able to know exactly how good you are at something. You can also easily figure out what (if something) you are doing wrong - data will show it”.

And data is the most precise way to measure the skills that Yoanna acquired during the course. “I wrote the top 4 most read blog posts for one of our clients. The most popular one has over 5,000 views, compared to ~600 on average before I started writing for the blog. The second most-read blog post gained 900 views in less than 40 minutes after publishing”.

Yoanna Graduation

Synergy: marketing and data

The secret behind these excellent results is the ability to combine data with creativity and a well-panned strategy.

Before the program, Yoanna has been more of “a creatively-driven person”, as she describes herself. But solely relying on creativity, is not helpful for the copywriter, on the contrary - it is a constraint. Data is what unlocks the full potential of an idea. “Now that I know how important data is before I start doing anything, I first do my data research and analysis. It turned out very helpful and brought great results”.

During the Telerik Academy Digital Marketing program, Yoanna takes a deep dive into all the marketing strategies and tools that empower the marketing professionals. “I had over a year of marketing experience. I had some practical experience, but I couldn’t understand WHY I am doing everything the way I do”, Yoanna recalls her confusion. “I knew the best practices, but I couldn’t think of any approach on my own. All of this changed after the end of the program”.

The truth is that it is easy to get carried away with things that you like because you feel comfortable with them - especially in content marketing. Yoanna has the perfect example form her work experience before the Telerik Academy when she was trying to create blog posts with “interesting” and “creative” names. “For example, The Vineyard Phrasebook. It turned out that it would be a good title for a book, maybe, but it had an unsatisfying CTR because the users didn’t know what a Vineyard Phrasebook is, and it didn’t correspond to their needs”.

Why did you choose Telerik Academy Digital Marketing?

“The program provides you with the knowledge of a Digital Marketing Specialist with 10+ years of experience for just 3 months. It was honestly the best thing I could do to enhance my career”. Want to bring your marketing career to the next level? Join Telerik Academy Upskill Digital Marketing and become a full-stack professional. Admission ends on Mar 29.

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