Campus X won “Innovation of the year” award


Campus X won “Innovation of the year” award


Campus X, the largest private incubator for technology companies and talent in Southeastern Europe and the home of Telerik Academy, won 4 prestigious awards at the annual b2b Media Awards 2018. Thus, becoming the most awarded organization of the evening.

Campus X received the grand prize at the competition – “Innovation of the Year” as well asfirst place in the “Business Debut of the Year” category and second place in the “Sustainable Development Investment” category.

campus x - b2b awards 2018

Alongside that, the honorary jury chose Telerik Academy as the undisputed winner of the “Educational Idea” category because of our training program for software developers – Telerik Academy Alpha.

During the new 6-month program, the participants undergo 440 hours of trainings in which the traditional lecture format is replaced with an interactive, personalized training. The trainers act as mentors and facilitators. The focus is entirely on the practical preparation of the participants, while the training halls mimic the real working environment. The program also includes topics beyond programming, which develop the participants’ soft skills.

“Through Campus X and Telerik Academy we aim to provide a supportive ecosystem for the acceleration of tech companies and talent in Bulgaria, so that Telerik’s success is not an isolated case. We want to create conditions in which success is a sustainable process and can be multiplied.

Although we officially launched Campus X in April, it’s already the home of a number of start-ups and well-established technology companies with a total valuation of about €50 M and some serious ambitions for growth. The confidence those companies have in us and the awards we won today are indicators that we’re headed in the right direction,” said the co-founder of Campus X and Telerik Academy Boyko Iaramov at the b2b Media event.

boyko iaramov - b2b awards

Boyko Iaramov, co-founder of Campus X and Telerik Academy, at the b2b Media Annual Awards 2018

The annual awards of b2b Media 2018 included a total of 20 categories in which companies with innovative, creative and socially-responsible projects from different sectors in our country took part. The winners were awarded during an official ceremony on June 8 at the Sofia Philharmonic.


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