Timur Naumov: Rediscovering his passion with Alpha QA

Success Stories

Timur Naumov: Rediscovering his passion with Alpha QA

Meet Timur, a QA professional who found his career path through twists and turns.
When he found himself in a situation at his previous job that may sound familiar to many — facing lack of professionalism and lack of respect for hard work — he knew it was time for a change. In his case, it was about rediscovering his passion for quality assurance with the help of Telerik Academy Alpha QA. A holistic practical training that prepares you for a successful IT career in just 6 months (even if you start with zero coding experience).

Read below how Alpha helped Timur Naumov and get inspired to take the step towards a rewarding new career with Alpha QA.

Timur Naumov

Hey, Timur. Please, tell us a bit about yourself.

Hello, I'm Timur. I was born and raised in Turkey and moved to Bulgaria 10 years ago. Initially, I embarked on my career within the QA field but diverged for a period to work in BPO companies, holding various positions. My journey has been diverse, moving from QA to exploring roles in business process outsourcing before realigning my career back towards quality assurance.

Why did you decide to apply to Alpha QA?

My decision came after some tough times at my last job, where I was leading a team. I had to leave after being there for over a year because of some issues that showed a real lack of professionalism and lack of respect for hard work. This situation really opened my eyes and made me think hard about what I wanted for my career. I remembered how much I liked being QA in IT and how it felt like a place where people's efforts were valued more.

This whole experience really fired me up and lit a spark in me. It was about turning a tough situation into an opportunity for something great, using my determination as fuel. Even though I had a full-time job that took up a lot of my time, I spent my nights getting ready for Telerik Academy. All that hard work paid off when I graduated successfully.

What challenges do you face in your new job, and how has the training at Telerik Academy helped you overcome them?

In my new job, I face challenges such as learning complex testing tools across different programming languages and staying up-to-date with fast-changing tech. My training at Telerik Academy has been super helpful, especially because the tasks and homework were just like real-life projects. This has shown me I was really well-prepared, making it easy to see how what I learned applies to my work. It's helped me a lot, making me confident that I can quickly adjust to any company's way of working including both functional and non-functional testing, as well as dealing with a wide range of technologies/tools we have learned in a short time at the academy.

What's your advice to newcomers who are just about to start their journey at Telerik Academy Alpha?

Telerik Academy offers more than just technical training; it cultivates teamwork, spirit, and direct access to field experts. You're not only learning best practices and tools but also how to collaborate effectively within teams, mirroring real-world IT project dynamics. My experience with the lecturers has been profoundly impactful—they're not just teachers but industry veterans from whom I've learned immensely, and with whom I continue to keep in touch and get support.

If I were to encapsulate my advice, it would be that Telerik Academy prepares you to be a comprehensive QA professional, equipped not just with technical skills but with a holistic understanding of teamwork and industry insights. Embrace the journey, stay committed to your growth, and the path to becoming a Full Stack QA will be within your reach.

Read to follow in Timur's footsteps and transform your career? Apply for Alpha QA by April 21!

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