Meet EGT Interactive, and Do IT Wise who join our ever-expanding network of over 85+ partners


Meet EGT Interactive, and Do IT Wise who join our ever-expanding network of over 85+ partners


In a little, over a decade Telerik Academy has changed the lives of more than 130,000 people (kids and professionals). For many of them, programming was something completely new but through our training, those pursuing a career landed their dreams jobs in IT. We are truly proud that today all of our alumni work in the software industry.

This is a result of our mission to groom top tech talent and to connect it with leading IT companies, thus developing people and businesses as well. We believe that in life nothing happens in a vacuum. That is why we have built a strong partner network that constantly expands and develops.

Today, we are happy to announce that, EGT Interactive and Do IT Wise join our partner network. Also, among our partners who are actively looking to expand their teams with top IT talent from Telerik Academy are Sutherland, Negometrix, Tick42, Coca-Cola, HedgeServ and Coherent Solutions.

Important times

For us, this is yet another evidence that despite the challenging situation the world is in today, the software industry will be less affected compared to other businesses. Of course, among all other reasons is that today almost everything around us runs on some kind of software, a lot of traditional businesses are going through their digital transformation, and a new breed of bleeding-edge services are helping us all in our everyday life - from financial, health, entertainment, you name it.

This makes the IT sector well-diversified because it services the whole spectrum of businesses all around the world. And let’s not forget that it was much easier for the IT companies to change to work from home mode.

We believe that the IT sector will be quick to go back to normal once the coronavirus outbreak ends.

Telerik Academy Alpha Graduation

The fresh and well-prepared talent

Because of all of this, the IT companies are still hiring and in need of fresh new tech talent. By joining forces with Telerik Academy, they have access to our carefully selected candidates who we train to all the necessary technical skills, we develop their soft skills and we transform them into life-long learners.

The master junior developers are important for every company. Where they lack experience, they compensate with their eagerness to learn, fresh ideas, and seeing everything with a new perspective. They grow inside the company and help building a culture of learning and knowledge sharing.

We believe in that and our partners acknowledge it as well.

“EGT Interactive has a long history of partnering with IT academies because we believe that one of the most important things is to pass our knowledge forward. Having this mindset, our senior staff has recognized working with young talents as one of their main priorities. We have developed a smooth on-boarding process for junior programmers, which includes both theoretical preparation and practical tasks.

We chose Telerik Academy for a partner because as a leading online gaming software provider, we must operate to the highest standards. Thus, partnering with an organization with a laser-focus on the quality of its education was the most natural thing to do.” 
Gergana Markova, Head of HR & Administration, EGT Interactive

We asked our partners of Do IT Wise why they chose to invest in junior talent. And that is their reply:

“The reasons Do IT Wise wants to invest in Junior Talents are many. First of all, the energy that they bring is contagious. The motivation and eagerness to accomplish their goals are amazing. Second of all, the senior people in our company have already gone through the different steps in their development and knowledge building by working with technical, experienced people, having instructors to help them go through their challenges and move forward. Now is our time to do the same and build more great professionals, to pay forward.

Do IT Wise partners with Telerik Academy because of the great professionalism and dedication of the whole team. The Academy is an undeniable springboard and a great start for the people, who think big and want to kick off their careers in the IT sector.” 
Filipa Veselinska, Recruitment Expert, Do IT Wise

According to American Eagle among the most important qualities for a new hiring is the passion to innovate.

“As an employer, we strive to hire exceptional engineers regardless of their seniority. We value the passion of our employees to innovate and give them the power to change. The great thing about the Telerik Academy is that it provides constant access to junior talent with excellent technical skills. Being among the pioneers in the practical tech education field in the CEE Region, Telerik Academy is our preferred partner of choice.” 
Tihomir Petrov, IT Director,

Image with logos of the partners of Telerik Academy

Are you looking to jumpstart your career in IT? Find out more about our Telerik Academy Alpha programs. Are you a company seeking master junior talent? Then go through our business page or contact us directly.


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