Creating a Focused Product Culture
Linkedin Groups ProductTank Event

Creating a Focused Product Culture

Jenny Herald, Chief Product Officer, Gtmhub

April 2, 2019 | 7:00 pm
Organized by ProductTank Sofia, Campus X and Telerik Academy


In product management, everyone has an idea of what they want you to do - whether it’s senior leadership, sales, customer success, engineers, customers/users, your flatmate, friends… the list seems endless. When everyone has an opinion, how do you make sense of it all? How do you get a team to believe in what you are doing? And how do you wow your customers/users as you develop your product?

Jenny Herald from Gtmhub - the world's most intuitive OKRs platform - will share her valuable experience as Chief Product Officer of the company. She will cover a very interesting aspect of every PM's job: bringing focus to your team, your organization, and making customers happy.

Language: English


About the Speaker

Jenny Herald - CPO at Gtmhub. Previously Entrepreneur in Residence at Techstars. COO at Hubrick, Lead PM and Head of Analytics at Microsoft To-Do, Head of Analytics at Wunderlist, BoozAllen Consultant & U.S. Air Force Officer. Learning how to be a decent human.

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*Registrations for this event are administered in Meetup